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1. What Are HPT Leadership Coaching Programs?

HPT Leadership Coaching Programs are a tailored series of individual or group coaching sessions held over 6-12 months which provide the reflective space, support, accountability and skill development needed for School Leaders & Middle Leaders to build sustainable High Performance Teams (HPT) - the foundations of all Flourishing Schools.

2. Why Choose HPT Leadership Coaching Programs?

Not all coaching programs are created equal. When implementing a Coaching Program you need to consider your school improvement goals and what this means for the program’s Focus (Personal Growth vs. Performance Focused). 


HPT Leadership Coaching programs are Performance Focused and offered in a range of formats ideally suited to aspiring, middle, senior and executive school leaders.


When compared to traditional growth-based coaching programs, Performance Focused Coaching Programs have a 4 x greater impact on Collective Teacher Efficacy (CTE) - the single largest predictor of student outcomes!


HPT Leadership Coaching Sessions can be run one-on-one, or in group cohorts of 4 to 5 leaders. A typical coaching session runs for 60-75 minutes on a monthly, bi-monthly, or termly schedule, in virtual or face-to- face formats.

HPT Leadership Coaching Sessions focus on resolving the hot issues and strategic challenges that leaders face in relation to building sustainable High Performance School culture. Sessions are led by a HPT Master Coach who uses a structured agenda to ensure that sessions are inclusive, supportive, proactive, strategic and accountable. Each coaching session is highly focused with leaders able to rapidly identify their most critical issues through completing a personal Leadership Update Tool pre-session.

4. Who Is Individual vs. Group Leadership Coaching Best Suited For?

Choosing Individual vs. Group Based Leadership Coaching depends on a few factors, such as a school’s size, the complexity of issues that Leaders are engaging with, and the flexibility of Leaders’ schedules.  Regardless of a school’s size and context we’ve found that all Leaders initially benefit from an onboarding session prior to normal coaching sessions. Many schools will typically opt for Group based coaching program for their Middle Leaders due to ease of scheduling, with their senior Leaders opting for Individual programs to deal with more complex issues on a more flexible schedule. An example of a typical middle leader group coaching program 12-month schedule is below:

3. How Do HPT Leadership Coaching Sessions Work?


Toolkit: Performance Focused Coaching Quickstart

HPT Leadership 360


Sample 360  Report

School Leader Virtual Forum Groups

HPTschools List of Accredited Coaches

Dr Pete Image in Circle

Dr Pete Stebbins, PhD

HPT Master Trainer

Dr Pete Stebbins is a workplace psychologist, executive coach, author and speaker. Pete has many years of research and professional practice behind him working in leading large scale transformational programs across education and health. 

Dr Danielle Stebbins Photo

Dr Danielle Stebbins, PhD

HPT Master Trainer

Danielle is a clinical psychologist and specialises in leadership coaching and facilitation of the High Performance Teams program across school leadership teams. She has extensive experience working across both education and health with complex team, strategy and organisational challenges.

Alistair Kerr Image

Alistair Kerr

HPT Master Trainer

Alistair is a psychologist and leadership development professional. Alistair's driving passions at work are building sustainable High Performance Teams; helping teams that are struggling to move forward, as well as teams that are inspired to go from good to great; and using technology to change the way that businesses support employee wellbeing at work.


Heidi McGlashan

HPT Master Trainer

Heidi is a former Principal and Executive Coach with over 30 years experience across a range of school leadership roles. She has implemented a range of team development, quality teaching & learning, and school wide pedagogy initiatives and is passionate about working with schools.

Jenny Cole Image

Jenny Cole


Jenny is a sought after coach, facilitator and speaker because of her ability to challenge people to be their very best. In her career she has worked as a teacher, school principal, coach and facilitator and works within a positive psychology framework to facilitate change in her clients.

Clifford Morgan Image

Clifford Morgan


Clifford is a registered psychologist and executive coach who specialises in leadership, team and culture development. With a background in the Air Force, Clifford combines discipline and focus with a dynamic presence and a splash of fun to help leadership teams increase performance and engagement.

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